Saturday, April 08, 2006

I just feel like crying…

The day is sunny, with the sun so bright,
But not sunny enough to lighten my mood,
The gloomy thoughts of the night,
Leave me emotionless as a wood….
To wipe away these thoughts of fright,
I just feel like crying….

With cheerful faces all around,
Some smiling, some laughing,
How hard I try to ape them all,
But nothing seems to work,
I crave to smile just for once, but
I just feel like crying…..

The little boy playing in the mud,
As carefree as a bird in the sky,
Reminds of the good old days,
When I used to be happy-go-lucky,
Thinking and waiting for the past,
I just feel like crying…

The butterfly fluttering its wing,
Hoping from flower to flower,
Wish I could fly like you do,
Kissing each blossom without a scare,
When I realize I can’t fly like you,
I just feel like crying…..

The more I think the more confidence I lose,
The more I wish, the more I miss to enjoy,
The more I crib, the more I realize…
I just feel like crying….

- Anu
(31st March, 2006)